Community Projects
Seedlings and Trees
We recognise our guest speakers with a certificate saying that we will plant a tree in their honour. So, from time to time, we roll up our sleeves and get stuck into tree propogation and planting with Greening Australia.

Woden Community Events
Know any unsung heroes out there? The ones making a difference to their local community without fuss or reward? Each year, our club publicly recognises some of these wonderful people.
Support for other organisations and events
We have been regular supporters of the Ronald McDonald House Canberra Red Wig Run/Walk and have assisted Abbeyfield Garran (accommodation for people with mild intellectual disabilities) to purchase new cooking equipment. We also assist with Abbeyfield working bees.
We hold an annual movie charity event, in the past raising funds for MS Australia, the Longreach Rotary Club Drought Appeal and the eradication of polio.
We make many donations to local organisations.
Australian Rotary Health
We are keen supporters of Australian Rotary Health, and particularly its emphasis on mental health research. Read more at Rotary Health.